Cultivating intentional success: 5 key steppingstones
Have you ever hungered for success?
The best type of success, the kind that is based on intention and the process of working toward goals that you define for yourself, is usually enjoyed by women who have embraced certain skills.
Based on my years of coaching and researching successful women from a variety of industries, I recommend focusing on these 5 key steppingstones to support your journey towards success:
1. Develop a Poised Voice
“Poised Voice” is the ability to someone to understand the messages in an effective manner, so that they are heard.
The process begins internally; one must understand what you really want to share with the world. Then the process becomes more external by listening carefully to others and sharing your thoughts in a clear and impactful way.
2. Cultivate Confidence
A lack of confidence can stifle your success. Doubt often begins with a tiny voice in our head saying, “You aren’t enough”.
By simply pausing to ask, “What is the evidence for that?” we can begin to re-position ourselves back on track toward success.
Lack of confidence prevents us from putting our best ideas, thoughts, and solutions out into the world.
3. Face Fears
The most common fears that we harbor are fear of failure, rejection, and embarrassment. These powerful thoughts keep us cautious and hold us back.
By learning to lean into the feelings of fear with logic and thoughtful tactics, we push beyond our boundaries.
4. Balance Grit, Grace & Space
Grit is the ability to keep going when things get hard.
Grittiness allows you to stay in the game when times get tough.
Grace is the concept of extending a moment of understanding and gentleness towards yourself or others.
It’s vital to strike a balance between grace and grit (both internally and externally).
Space is the literal room to breathe, escape negativity, and rejuvenate.
We must be willing to allow ourselves, and those around us, the space to re-set both physically and mentally when times are stressful.
Together, [grit + grace + space] allows us to be tenacious, patient, focused, and refreshed.
5. Establish Caregiver Priorities
The term “caregiver” encompasses a variety of roles including traditional motherhood, caring for a parent or spouse in need, pet parents, foster parents, or many more. And as a caregiver, you will at some point feel the strain of the extra responsibility clashing with your plans for professional growth… this is OK.
Being honest about personal priorities and limitations makes it easier to put plans in place to care for our loved ones and our career in a more harmonious fashion.
If you desire to intentionally plan for future success, begin with the basics. Embrace these 5 steppingstones and use them as tools along your journey!
Author, speaker, coach, and facilitator. As founder of Through the Woods Consulting, she is a certified coach and an intentional success consultant located in Richmond, Va. Her mission is to help professionals create success in their lives through thoughtful planning, impactful connections, and focused women’s leadership development. |