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Increasing Diversity In Medtech Innovation: A Personal And Professional Perspective

Written by: Christine E. Hollis
Published on: Jan 20, 2025

Photo Credit: ArtemisDiana -


Growing up in a family deeply rooted in medicine, I had a unique perspective on the field. My grandparents attended Meharry Medical College, and my parents met while studying at Howard University College of Medicine — both institutions with a rich history of training Black physicians in a profession where they have long been marginalized. Despite excelling in their respective specialties, my parents also faced the challenges that come with being part of a minority group in the medical community. Their experiences shaped my understanding of the importance of diversity in healthcare — not only for patient care but also for driving innovation and progress.

My father, an OBGYN, often used medical devices like gynecological mesh to improve patient outcomes, particularly for conditions like uterine fibroids, which disproportionately affect Black women. As a pioneer in laparoscopic surgery – a procedure using small incisions to perform pelvic surgeries – he became an expert in treating fibroids. Recognizing the high incidence of this condition in African American women, he dedicated his career to finding less invasive alternatives to hysterectomies, which were often seen as the only option. Listening to him speak about the critical role these devices played in his practice gave me a firsthand glimpse of how technology intersects with medicine. It also sparked in me an early appreciation for the significance of diverse voices in shaping medical technology. Without representation from those who understand the needs of underrepresented communities, critical perspectives are often overlooked, hindering progress and innovation.

My father’s contributions exemplify why diversity in medtech is essential, particularly in addressing the healthcare needs of underserved populations.

The Hurdles With Innovation Driven By Homogenous Groups

The pace of technological advancement, especially in fields like healthcare, requires constant innovation. However, this innovation is often driven by homogenous groups that, despite their expertise, may miss critical opportunities to solve problems that affect diverse populations. In order to truly meet the needs of society as a whole, we must increase diversity in the medtech sector — not just in terms of gender and race but also in background, perspective, and experience. This is not simply an ethical imperative; it is an innovation imperative.

Medtech innovations are responsible for countless lifesaving advances, from stents to surgical robots to diagnostic tools. Yet, for every great invention, there is a need for diverse thought. Encouraging diversity in the medtech sector is essential because diverse perspectives lead to innovative solutions that address a broader range of societal needs.

For example, research has shown that women are underrepresented in clinical trials, which can lead to devices that don't work as well for female patients. Imagine if more women were part of the teams developing those devices; their unique insights would undoubtedly lead to designs that better serve all patients.

Similarly, when individuals from different racial or socioeconomic backgrounds contribute to innovation, they bring with them experiences that are often overlooked in mainstream product development. A Black engineer may be more attuned to issues such as how certain devices are perceived or used in underserved communities. A Latina researcher may have insights into health disparities in diabetes management, leading to innovations that better address the needs of patients with type 2 diabetes.

By broadening the pool of who gets to innovate, we ensure that medtech solutions are designed to address the needs of the entire population — not just a narrow segment of it.


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