WEBINAR: Microaggressions and Implicit Bias: Anti-Bias Strategies for Targets, Allies, And Bystanders
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Dr. Derald Sue discusses the key points from his most recent book, Microintervention Strategies: What Targets, Allies, Parents, Teachers, and Bystanders Can Do to Eliminate Racism, scheduled to publish in February 2021. In this recorded webinar, you’ll learn:
- The distinction between microaggressions (individual racism) and macroaggressions (systemic racism).
- How to become an ally to people of color or BIPOC.
- Anti-bias strategies (microinterventions) to disarm individual racism and dismantle systemic racism.
Dr. Derald Sue is the author of Microaggressions in Everyday Life and Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence . He was honored by the American Psychological Association with its Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology. Sue’s work has been the subject of some 44,000 citations on Google Scholar. There have been over 25,000 publications on microaggressions, and the Merriam-Wester dictionary added the word “microaggression” in 2017.
Get 30% off Dr. Sue’s books. Use promo code VBT52 on wiley.com (valid until September 31, 2020).